
Horse facts and fun

 I Hope you enjoy these interesting facts, quotes and superstitions.
HORSE FUN - DID YOU KNOW? A unique law in Pine Ridge, South Dakota where horses are 
banned from neighing between midnight and 6 a.m. near a "residence inhabited by human beings."

HORSE SUPERSTITIONIt was widely believed that a horse that stepped in a wolf print would be crippled.
"He knows when you're happy 
He knows when you're comfortable 
He knows when you're confident 
And he always knows when you have carrots."
- Author Unknown

DID YOU KNOW? A small indent in a horses skin (usually on the neck or shoulder) 
is called a prophet?s mark and is considered good luck.

DID YOU KNOW? To Stand In - To cost. "This horse stands me in two hundred dollars.?
DID YOU KNOW? Horses like sweet flavors and will usually reject anything sour or bitter.
HORSE FUN: YOU KNOW YOU'RE A REAL HORSE PERSON WHEN...You always have new foal pictures in your wallet.

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